Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes inflammation in the lining of the joints and can damage many parts of the body, including the lungs, eyes, and heart. Chronic autoimmune disorders can cause permanent disability if not diagnosed early and controlled effectively. Disabilities happen as the condition causes bone erosion and deformity in the joints from chronic and painful swelling.
Early symptoms of RA can seem easy to ignore. Stiffness or mild joint pain can occur in aging people with active lifestyles. An occasional ache or pain may feel normal. The symptoms of RA can come and go, even as the disease progresses.
Many people with the condition will have periods of remission where the pain and swelling subside or becomes less painful, especially joint paint in toes and fingers in the joints closest to the hands or feet. To identify the disease early, people must watch for specific warning signs.
RA is an autoimmune condition. Autoimmune diseases are when the immune system attacks the body rather than germs or other health risks. RA may start due to genetics, exposure to a bacteria or virus, or prolonged exposure to periods of emotional stress. Other factors can contribute. Certain risk factors exist that make people more susceptible to RA.
After diagnosis, patients can expect their medical provider to recommend lifestyle changes that include a healthy diet and exercise. Many people will receive steroid medications during times of severe symptoms. In addition, doctors often recommend OTC painkillers that relieve inflammation, like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Certain prescription medications can help slow the progression of the condition. The doctor may also suggest the guidance of a physical therapist to help the patient develop an exercise plan to keep their bodies flexible without causing joint damage.
Severe cases of RA can require the patient to have access to assistive devices that allow them to perform daily tasks easier. In addition, surgical options may become necessary if medications do not provide the relief needed. Surgery on the affected joints can reduce the pain and make movement more comfortable. Other surgeries common for RA patients include tendon repairs and joint replacements.
Surgery and medications can positively affect the health of people with RA, but they also have risks. Side effects from medication can include increased risks of infection, stomach problems, and cancer. Every surgery presents some risk, and procedures like joint repair have even more potential for complications. Alternative health treatments may offer a more natural solution with less pain and fewer risks.
RA patients have many options available, and homeopathic remedies never need to replace traditional medical treatment. Instead, healthy natural alternatives can work alongside conventional medicine without increasing health risks. The best choice of option can depend on the preferences of the individual and the health problems experienced by RA.
See Your Local Holistic Practitioner. These can include muscle testers like Applied Kinesiologists and Nutrition Response Testers, many of whom are Chiropractors. You can also consider Functional and Integrative Medical Practitioners, many of whom are holistic doctors. Depending on your symptoms, trained Dietitians and Nutritionists can also be an option.
whole food supplements to your treatment plan adjusts the imbalances in your body. Being under a professional's care will help eliminate trial and error, and wasted money spent on remedies that may not be appropriate for your exact illness. Most holistic practitioners offer a free consultation, so seeing two or three is an option. It would be wise to start here.
Rheumatoid arthritis complicates life and can make everyday tasks seem impossible. The diagnosis of the condition causes many individuals to feel hopeless over the changes occurring in their bodies. Conventional medicine offers some relief, but combined with alternative medicine, the potential exists to put the disease in remission and keep it there so they can live the life they want.
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