Some illnesses have symptoms that make it easy to diagnose the condition and for people to know when they need to visit a doctor. Other concerns cause issues that may have multiple causes or relate to lifestyle habits. To determine when the problem may mean the existence of a hormonal imbalance, people need to understand the variety of health concerns they can experience.
Scientists have identified over 50 hormones in the human body. Every system within the body relies on hormones to stay regulated and perform as needed. It is not unusual for imbalances to cause health issues because of the body's sensitivity to hormone levels. The imbalances also happen to many people because the glands are sensitive to numerous external and internal triggers.
Causes of Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances can occur when a gland becomes inactive or overactive. Too little or too much of any hormone will cause the body to have some symptoms. Certain health conditions may also prevent a body from correctly using a hormone or absorbing it into the system properly. The start of problems can begin because of natural changes within the body due to aging, but many people experience hormonal imbalances without reaching this biological stage. Some triggers of hormonal imbalances include:
Ignoring an imbalance or mistaking the problem for something else can occur because many symptoms experienced with hormonal issues happen with other illnesses or because of certain behaviors. The way to determine if the complaints may relate to hormones is to know when someone experiences multiple problems common with an imbalance. Another identifying trait is that the health issue remains consistently problematic and does not disappear with the usual corrective measures. Fatigue, for example, should go away when someone gets better sleep and relaxes more often. Doctors will suspect an underlying health problem if a well-rested individual continues to feel fatigued.
Common symptoms experienced by men and women with a hormonal imbalance include:
Symptoms of hormonal imbalances experienced by those assigned females at birth include:
Symptoms of hormonal imbalances experienced by those assigned male at birth include:
Identifying a Problem
People with hormonal imbalances often experience health concerns that do not seem life-threatening or severe enough to visit a doctor but are too problematic to ignore. To look for a pattern and determine if the problem may relate to hormones, it can help to keep a journal for a month or two. The journal is where to record any symptoms felt on each day and includes details like hours slept, medication taken, and foods consumed.
Hormonal imbalances can worsen over time and cause symptoms to increase in severity. People who do not receive treatment also put themselves at risk of severe health concerns. The problems can affect more than the individual with the imbalance in some instances. For example, women with hormonal imbalances who become pregnant have a higher-than-normal risk of miscarriage, pregnancy complications, and children born with congenital disabilities. Correction of the imbalance often provides fast relief of many symptoms and may only need natural and non-invasive testing and treatment.
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