Holistic Acupuncture Treatments - Natural Health Solutions

Holistic Acupuncture Treatments - Natural Health Solutions

What is Acupuncture?

For thousands of years, people have relied on the beneficial effects of acupuncture. The ancient Asian practice involves thin needles strategically placed at specific points on the body. The designated points stimulate the 14 energy pathways identified by practitioners. The painless and non-invasive treatment is a chemical-free way for people to relieve chronic pain and may help with many other medical complaints.

How Acupuncture Treatments Differ from Conventional Medicine

How Acupuncture Treatments Differ from Conventional Medicine

Acupuncture differs from mainstream medical treatments because it does not involve invasive procedures or prescription medication. The needles used for the treatment help stimulate the brain and body and activate its natural healing process.

Acupuncture is unique for alternative medicine because conventional medical providers have accepted its effectiveness. Many doctors refer patients to acupuncturists or offer treatment at their practice. It has also crossed over as a treatment for veterinary care.

Professional studies on the pain relief benefits of acupuncture have led to expert theories that explain how the treatment helps the body. The points used to activate energy pathways stimulate the central nervous system. The needles encourage the nervous system to release chemicals through the body. These chemicals activate physical healing and improve emotional health.

What Acupuncture Can Treat

Pain relief remains one of the most common reasons people seek acupuncture services. Alternative care can help with many types of pain. Migraine relief, joint and muscle pain, and arthritis often improve with this treatment. People can reduce the intensity of extreme menstrual pain and ease the discomfort of the effects of perimenopause and menopause. Athletes use the service to speed the healing of sports injuries or to encourage faster recovery.

Many patients turn to acupuncture to help with cancer pain and alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment. Acupuncture also boosts the immune system, may help with infertility, and can reduce the discomfort of irritable bowel syndrome.

Acupuncture can also help with morning sickness, asthma and allergies, and chronic skin conditions. In addition, the drug-free treatment can work alongside traditional medicine without the risk of interacting with prescription medications or other treatments.

Who Can Benefit from Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is generally safe and reliable but is not the best option for everyone. Some patients should avoid the treatment or speak with their medical provider or a professional acupuncturist beforehand. Those who should avoid acupuncture include anyone with a pacemaker, people suffering from bleeding disorders, or those who take blood thinners. In addition, avoid treatment if suffering from a skin infection or during flare-ups of a chronic skin condition. Patients with a seizure disorder should also refrain from receiving acupuncture. Other than these few concerns, acupuncture benefits many types of people.

  • Patients who do not want to worry about the possible dangers of medication side effects

  • People for whom conventional treatments do not provide the relief they expect

  • When a general sense of being unwell remains undiagnosed by a traditional medical provider

  • Those with no health concerns but who want to strengthen their immune system and have better emotional health

  • Athletes and anyone with physically challenging jobs who desire a boost to their stamina and want to improve their overall health

Results Possible with Acupuncture Treatments

The tiny needles are less uncomfortable than those used for blood tests or vaccinations. Some mild muscle achiness or tingling may arise after treatment and last for a couple of days. In some instances, the symptoms that brought people to the clinic for treatment could feel more intense. The heightened sensations end quickly and usually lead to an immediate improvement of the problem. Following treatment, patients often feel more relaxed and sleep easier. The patient may also feel intense fatigue the day after treatment and experience heightened emotions.

Improvements to health concerns can begin within a few days. Additional treatments can offer further improvement. Patients often have more energy and a more positive outlook as the healing process begins. Many people will start to wean themselves from their pain medication as the pain recedes naturally.

Despite its labeling as an alternative treatment, acupuncture is an option that many conventional medical providers respect and recommend to their patients. The United States Food and Drug Administration monitors the needles used for acupuncture for safety purposes. Many providers that offer acupuncture have professional licenses or certifications.

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